SPCA is Hiring!

SPCA Is hiring a full time Program Manager to support our programming.  Please click here to learn more and apply!

Fee Assistance & Inclusion

Fee Assistance

City of Kitchener Leisure Access Funds can now be used for Neighbourhood Association programming when registering in person and online. Connect with Community Centre staff for details or call the Leisure access line at 519 741-2200 ext. 7228 for support. To find out if you qualify and to apply, visit www.kitchener.ca/feeassistance

In addition, SPCA offers fee assistance for programs and uniforms to eligible program participants. Participants using SPCA’s fee assistance must register in person at the Stanley Park Community Centre or over the phone at 519-741-2504.  

Inclusion Support

SPCA wants to ensure programs are open and inclusive to everyone. We will assist with removing barriers and providing support in order to ensure that people with disabilities are able to participate in all aspects of life to the best of their ability.  

SPCA works closely with the City of Kitchener inclusion team. The inclusion team works with families, staff and us to help determine methods of accommodation and support. These methods may include suggestions for program adaptation, one-on-one support by a family member or friend through the use of a PAL card, a City of Kitchener volunteer, a personal support worker (paid by the family) or an inclusion facilitator (no cost to participants).

Need Help? Get in Touch

For more information about fee assistance or inclusion support, call us at 519-741-2504 or email
