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Community Garden

SPROUT, Stanley Park Routed in OUr Togetherness, the Stanley Park Community Garden celebrates our 5th year of organic gardening.

Initially, sixteen 10’x12’ raised plots were organized in front of the Stanley Park Community Centre facing Franklin Street in Kitchener. But, with our waitlist growing each year, we have been expanding. This 2022 growing season will see enthusiastic gardeners planting twenty-seven 10’x’12’ raised beds and three elevated beds.

We invite seasoned gardeners, newbies, and the children enrolled in the SPCA “Kids Nature Play’ program to our community of gardeners. Due to the generous financial support of the SPCA and the city of Kitchener, we have a fenced space, a shed to store tools, and city water available. Participants register with the community centre and pay $25 for the season each year.  As long as the gardeners abide by the rules and regulations of the garden, they are invited back the following year.  Our vision is to provide gardening and greening opportunities for the residents' physical, mental, and social benefit in our neighbourhood.

Download the package below for more information or email us at communitygarden@spcakitchener.ca

SPCA Community Garden Package
